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Chatterton on Stage Performs “Beauty & the Beast, Jr.”

Juliet and Eliana play the Teapot and Cup. thumbnail265151

The Chatterton on Stage program is set to perform “Beauty & the Beast, Jr.” on March 26-27.

Fifth and sixth-grade cast members have been preparing for their roles in the school’s self-sustaining, annual theatrical production for months. After auditioning in early November, students have been rehearsing twice per week.

“The cast is responsible for learning and practicing their lines, blocking, and choreography,” noted Shira Voulgarakis, a reading interventionist at Chatterton who also serves as director of the Chatterton on Stage program. “They also so work to get to know their characters and understand the motivations behind their actions. This helps them approach their roles in a more well-rounded way and helps them act accordingly.”

In addition to Voulgarakis, Michael Schwartz, a music teacher from Locust Valley School District, and Voulgarakis’ sister, Loni Panos-Stein, assist in the production.

While a polished production is one objective for the finish line of Chatterton on Stage, there are more life skills to be gained for students.

“My biggest goal is for the students who participate, is to leave the program more confident and with a stronger, more empathetic perspective about the world,” Voulgarakis said.

Photo captions:

Juliet and Eliana play the Teapot and Cup.

Daniella plays Babette.

Jack and Mia, play Beast and Belle.

Hillary, Valentina, and Madelyn play villagers.

Noah, Owen, James, and Elliott.

Shira Voulgarakis, a reading interventionist at Chatterton also serves as director of the Chatterton on Stage program (center) with cast members.


Click here to view the Chatterton on Stage Performs “Beauty & the Beast, Jr.” slideshow.

Photos courtesy of the Merrick Union Free School District.

Chatterton Paves Path of Positivity on Happiness Day

Two students drawing with chalk thumbnail265055

A little rain couldn’t dampen the Chatterton School spirit as they celebrated International Day of Happiness celebrated on March 20.

At the start of the day, all classrooms surprised their students with a morning of play.

“Each class set up board games, puzzles, Legos, pretend play, arts and crafts and more,” explained Principal Dana Bermas.

They then pivoted from decorating the sidewalks outside of the building to creating their artful messages inside on giant rolls of chalkboard paper. Students used chalk to craft positive words and images on signs that will be later displayed in the school.

Additionally, at the start of the day, all classrooms surprised their students with a morning of play.

“The goal of the day was to promote positive social development through social interaction and communication, reduce stress and increase emotional regulation through opportunities for play, as well as fostering students’ critical thinking skills and creativity,” Bermas added.

Click here to view the Chatterton Paves Path of Positivity on Happiness Day slideshow.

Date Added: 3/20/2025

Chatterton Students Take Flight Via Drones

3 Students operating drone in the halls thumbnail264666

Watch innovation take flight at Chatterton School as sixth graders complete their drone technology unit in a dynamic simulation where creativity met problem-solving.

“With real-life challenges in mind, these young engineers mapped out strategic paths and programmed drones to 'solve' their imagined scenarios,” explained Mackenzie Venezia, technology teacher.

This lesson weaving ingenuity and teamwork helps these future tech leaders soar to new heights.

Click here to view the Chatterton Students Take Flight Via Drones slideshow.

Click here to view the Chatterton Students Take Flight Via Drones YouTube video

Date Added: 3/5/2025

100 Days of School Fun at Chatterton

Students at table with art. thumbnail264443

On Feb. 24, kindergarteners at Chatterton took part in a special parade to celebrate their 100th day of learning.  

The event was a hit, with students from pre-K through sixth grade joining in to cheer them on.  

Everyone got into the spirit, with kids of all ages donning creative costumes made from 100 items, outfits featuring 100-year-old items, or shirts proudly displaying the number 100 to mark the milestone with excitement. 

Throughout the day, students also visited various activity stations that focused on STEAM, collaboration and creative fun. 

Click here to view the 100 Days of School Fun at Chatterton slideshow.


Date Added: 2/24/2025

Chatterton Third Graders Travel The World Through Dance

Chatterton's talented third graders thumbnail264197

Chatterton's talented third graders took the stage to showcase traditional dances from Italy, Japan, and Mexico. With just five rehearsals, they mastered the livelyTarantellafrom Italy, the elegantFan Dancefrom Japan, and the spiritedMexican Hat Dance - all thanks to expert instruction from Vanaver Caravan.

This special program brought history and culture to life through movement, rhythm, and joy.

Click here to view the Chatterton Third Graders Travel The World Through Dance slideshow.

Date Added: 2/10/2025