Instructional Technology
Rosemary Bonasia
Chief Information/Data Protection Officer
Phone: 516-992-7200

Dr. Salvatore Dossena
Assistant Superintendent for Student Services and Technology
Phone: 516-992-7293
The Merrick Union Free School District Technology Department supports our schools and administrative offices by maintaining and upgrading the technology in the district as well as providing training and on-going support to meet the needs of our students and staff. We are committed to providing its students, staff, and community with the knowledge and skills to be productive in a globally connected world.
It is our conviction that technology use must be grounded within our vision for teaching and learning. We envision an environment that provides equitable access and security, while supporting a range of learning that prepares students to reflect and assess their own learning. The school environment offers students opportunities to:
- Pursue authentic, self-directed inquiry.
- Develop the technological literacy that is necessary to be successful both inside and outside of the school environment.
- Learn and express their understanding through a range of technologies and media.
- Participate in a global classroom, tapping into vast electronic resources.
- Engage in authentic communication, both within and beyond the walls of the classroom.
- Develop an understanding of the larger social and ethical issues surrounding technology use and their responsibility as informed citizens.
District Plans:
District Web-Based Instructional Supports:
Technology & Media Specialist Classes:
- Kindergarten
- Grade 1
- Grade 2
- Grade 3
- Grade 4
- Grade 5
- Grade 6